Physical violence is when an individual or a group attacks or threatens to attack someone physically.  This may or may not involve the use of a weapon. 

Examples of physical violence include: 

  • scratching 
  • kicking 
  • pushing 
  • punching 
  • throwing things 
  • physically restraining. 

Physical assault can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, age or any other characteristic. Physical assault can also include the following: 

  • Discrimination or hate crime– if the assault was motivated by hostility towards a person or group due to a protected characteristic. 
  • Domestic violence – if the assault happened within a relationship or between family members. 
  • Sexual assault and rape – if the assault was of a sexual nature.  

Make a disclosure

It takes great courage to disclose experiences of physical violence. Everyone who has experienced this deserves to be listened to, supported and believed. What has happened is not your fault and you are not alone. Your safety and wellbeing are the most important things right now.


Make a disclosure to the University

Use the Report and Support system to disclose a physical violence incident to the University of St Andrews. You can choose to do this anonymously or you can request support from an adviser.

Other ways to make a disclosure

Make a disclosure to the police: 

  • Call 101 for non-emergencies (call 999 for emergencies)
  • Go to your local police station. The St Andrews police station Is located on 68 Pipeland Road, St Andrews, KY16 8JW

Contact CrimeStoppers to make a disclosure anonymously. CrimeStoppers often passes information to the police. You can call 0800 555 111 or make a disclosure online to CrimeStoppers.


University support:

Support for Students

Support for Staff

External support:

  • Contact Victim Support – if you’ve been affected by a crime, Victim Support offers phone, live chat, and other online support. 

If someone you know is experiencing physical violence

If you know someone who has experienced or is experiencing physical violence, you can help in the following ways:

  • Listen. Taking the time to listen and talk about what has happened can help. 
  • Signpost options. Ask them if they’re okay to talk through some possible options for support or how they might disclose what has happened. Do not take on the role of a counsellor or therapist.
  • Help them make a disclosure. If they want to, and you feel able to, you can help them make a disclosure for the incident or incidents.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened