If you need help now, please contact the Security and Response Team, who are available 24/7 on 01334 468999. If a crime is in progress or you require urgent medical attention, please call 999. If outside the UK, please call the emergency service in that locality.
- Management – you may want to consider approaching your line manager (unless the matter directly relates to them), or the next level of management.
- Human Resources – you may want to contact your Business Partner, who is the representative for your School/Unit. See HR Business Partners.
- You can also find a full directory of HR staff contacts.
- The Mediation Service - provides an effective, informal means of resolving disagreements and conflict at the earliest point. Please email mediation@st-andrews.ac.uk to arrange a time to discuss, in confidence, how mediation can help. The service operates independently and confidentially.
- Occupational Health - you can either be referred by your line manager or self-refer. Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2752
- Email: occhealth@st-andrews.ac.uk;
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Team - if an employee considers that they are being harassed or bullied because of a protected characteristic, the EDI Team (diversity@st-andrews.ac.uk) provides support to members, in liaison with the HR Business Partner or Student Services as appropriate.
- Environmental Health and Safety Services (EHSS) - for any concerns around the health and safety of an individual within University premises (for example, hazards, risk assessments, etc.) Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2750 Email: ehss@st-andrews.ac.uk
- Chaplaincy - the University Chaplain is available to offer pastoral care and support for any employee, regardless of religion or belief (including non-belief). Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2866 Email: chaplaincy@st-andrews.ac.uk
- Trade union - trade union representatives are trained to deal with and support employees with any workplace related matters of concern.
- If you are concerned about a student, you can contact the Advice and Support Centre (ASC) to speak to a member of Student Services staff. Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2020 Email: theasc@st-andrews.ac.uk
- If there are any issues related to the conduct of a student, you can contact the student conduct officer: Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 4107 Email: studentconduct@st-andrews.ac.uk