Most spiking incidents do not involve a secondary crime such as theft or assault, often spiking is about embarrassing the other person. However, if you suspect you have been assaulted or sexually assaulted after being spiked, it is important to tell someone and get support. One of the effects of date rape drugs can be amnesia, or loss of memory. That means it’s possible that you won’t be sure if you’ve been assaulted. But if you suspect you’ve been physically or sexually assaulted it’s important to tell someone. Try to confide in someone you trust like a friend or family member.

Students seeking support for disclosures of sexual violence are encouraged to speak to Student Services in the first instance.  A referral to FRASAC will be offered, alongside any practical advice and support (e.g. academic, alternative accommodation, financial) and determining any immediate safety needs.  Students who do not wish to involve the University may self-refer directly to FRASAC (01592 642336). Students can find further resources on this dedicated support page.

Support for Staff

External Support

You can go to the police or hospital accident and emergency department. If you don’t feel able to do that right away, the Rape Crisis Scotland helpline is free to call on 08088 01 03 02 every day, 5pm to midnight. 

Victim Support: Victim Support is an independent charity for victims and witnesses of crime. They offer free, confidential help to anyone who’s been affected by sexual harassment. Call 08 08 16 89 111.

NHS Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS). SARCS is a dedicated NHS service which can offer healthcare and support in the days after an assault, if you’re not ready or unsure whether to go to the police. More information on the services SARCS offer can be found in their brochure.

Fife Rape and Sexual Assault Centre

Dundee and Angus Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre

Survivors UK (support for men)

Sign Health (for deaf people)

 Stay Safe East (for deaf and disabled people)

Southall Black Sisters (aimed at Black women) 


There are two ways you can tell us what happened