Hate incidents, like hate crimes, are motivated by hostility or prejudice against a protected characteristic. In Scotland, hate incidents apply to the following five protected characteristics:
- race
- religion
- sexual orientation
- transgender identity
- disability
A hate incident is a non-criminal action. Examples of hate incidents include:
- verbal abuse
- jokes
- harassment
- social media bullying
- offensive graffiti
- bullying or intimidation
- physical attacks such as hitting, punching, pushing, spitting
- threats of violence
- malicious complaints, for example over parking, smells or noise
A hate crime is a criminal offense that is extended beyond harassment. Examples of hate crimes include:
- assault
- breach of the peace
- physical assualt
- sexual assault
- burglary
- theft
- Student harassment and bullying policy (University of St Andrews)
- Dignity and respect at work policy (for staff) (University of St Andrews)
- Citizens Advice - for information on discrimination and hate