The University of St Andrews has many services dedicated to helping students and staff access the support, help and advice they may need.  If you need help now, please contact the Security and Response Team, who are available 24/7 on 01334 468999. If a crime is in progress or you require urgent medical attention, please call 999. If outside the UK, please call the emergency service in that locality.


The Advice and Support Centre can talk to you about any concerns you have and offer advice. You can also book an appointment to see an adviser or counsellor within Student Services

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2020


 If the matter is about a student, you can contact the Student Conduct Officer directly. 

The wardennial teams in halls of residence are a local first point of contact and can provide help and assistance in a range of matters.


St Andrews Nightline is a student-run confidential, anonymous listening and information service.


The St Andrews Students’ Association is a student-run body that can provide advice and support.

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2700


 The Chaplaincy offers pastoral care and support for any student, regardless of religion or belief (including non-belief).

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2866


The Mediation Service - provides an effective, informal means of resolving disagreements and conflict at the earliest point. Please email to arrange a time to discuss, in confidence, how mediation can help. The service operates independently and confidentially. 


Management – you may want to consider approaching your line manager (unless the matter directly relates to them), or the next level of management.  


Human Resources – if you feel it is appropriate, you can contact HR and request to meet with a member of the HR Business Partner team.  

In the first instance, you may want to contact your Business Partner, who is the representative for your School/Unit. See HR Business Partners

You can also find a full directory of HR staff contacts.  

The Mediation Service - provides an effective, informal means of resolving disagreements and conflict at the earliest point. Please email to arrange a time to discuss, in confidence, how mediation can help. The service operates independently and confidentially. 


Occupational Health - you can either be referred by your line manager or self-refer.

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2752



Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team - if an employee considers that they are being harassed or bullied because of a protected characteristic, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team ( will be able to provide confidential help, support and advice. 


Environmental Health and Safety Services (EHSS) - for any concerns around the health and safety of an individual within University premises (for example, hazards, risk assessments, etc.)

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2750



Chaplaincy - the University Chaplain is available to offer pastoral care and support for any employee, regardless of religion or belief (including non-belief). 

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2866



Trade union - trade union representatives are trained to deal with and support employees with any workplace related matters of concern. 

If you are concerned about a student, you can contact the Advice and Support Centre (ASC) to speak to a member of Student Services staff. 

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2020



If there are any issues related to the conduct of a student, you can contact the student conduct officer:

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 4107


There are two ways you can tell us what happened